
Monday, January 23, 2012

I have been MIA and lots of random Winter Work!

I have been missing in action since the week after Christmas.  In that time, I have moved into my new house and gotten mired bogged down pre-occupied in the joys of remodeling!  I am so ready to be finished with all the construction, painting, dust, etc, etc, etc.

Oh....and thanks to C*%$@#t I haven't had TV or internet in over a week and will not get an install until the 27th!!!  Really, are THAT busy?!?!?!?  I think I should have called D*^$%# TV!!!

BUT on a brighter note.....I love my new place...the neighbors are wonderful....and it going to look great when it is finished! are some pics of the wonderful work we have been doing at school!

 Snowmen, Snowmen Everywhere!!
Snowman Circle Map
Snowman writing

Snowman writing

Balloon Snowman Bulletin Board

Snowman balloon painting.

More snowman writing.

Snowman Counting
Snowman Counting

There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow!

The Cold Lady Sequencing and Writing

The Cold Lady Bulletin Board.

Dr. King.....I Have a Dream!!
Dr, King Craftivity


One Hundred Days in School projects!!!

What will you look like at 100?



  1. Wow! You've been busy! I love the Cold Woman!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. Everything looks wonderful! It looks like you all have been having fun. Glad things are going well with the new house.

  3. Looks like fun. I love the 100 year old pictures. I saw those on pinterest and am going to do them this year too. Good luck with the house.
    Forever in First
